Friday, June 11, 2010

dieting Friday

So I have decided that Fridays were going to be used for blogging about my dieting adventure. This way, I have a way to write it all out, and I am forced to get on here at least once a week.

In high school I did weightwatchers and was very successful. When I got to college that went down the drain because, well, all healthy eating goes down the drain when you are forced to eat campus food or the cheapest stuff off campus. So here I am, after my 5th year of college, getting back on to weightwatchers.
Certain things have changed since I did this diet in high school. 1) Even though that was only 6 years ago, I have found that my metabolism has changed drastically and I am not able to get away with my estimated portions or using my points to eat what I want as long as I was in the point range without eating "healthy" anymore. 2) While I am in a healthy loving relationship (which as many of us know only good relationships will pack on the love pounds) just as I was in high school I am now dating a guy who cannot stay above 116 pounds and therefore has no concept of what a diet is (although is very helpful and supportive of me) 3) I don't have my mom to cook all my meals for me. I know we live in the same house, but she is not making my lunches or dinners anymore, most of that is left for me and Aaron to do. 4) My schedule is not even CLOSE to being the same as the structured schedule I had when I was in high school. Everyday is a bit different and that screws up alot of things.

Now, I have never been one to tell people about my dieting. I am generally a private person and am sometimes embarrassed about my dieting totally. This time, Im trying something new. (Thats what this period in my life is for right?!)

I am a workout freak. I workout 4-7 times a week and prefer to stay in the gym and switch up my routine. I am up for trying out anything and am excited to try something new. So if we look at the equation for weight gain, it would show that what I eat is my problem, not my exercise so for me, the logical turn was to weight watchers to get my eating under control.

I have always liked weight watchers. It is like a game to me , see if you can get your target "points" for the day. So far so good, I am eating my points (or close to it) everyday and as of last Saturday was down 6.2 in 2 weeks. What is exciting is normally you lose alot of water weight at first because you are changing your soda intake or you are drinking more water which for me was already true so those 6.2 are actual pounds!

It hasn't been an easy week though. I have spent the majority of the week working on temptations for icecream or cake. We celebrated a birthday this week and I managed to eat just a small piece even though it was one of my favorite types of cake and I would rather have just dived in and eaten the whole thing (look mom, no hands!). Working on temptations is going to be a big challenge over the next few weeks, but it's a sign of maturity that I can handle now better than when I was 17.

I am going to get on here and try to post week results and challenges every Friday or Saturday depending. I hope that you stick around and check it out. Feel free to ask me any questions about weight watchers because trust me, its a totally different program when you are only 23 years old than the standard program that most 40 somethings that go through it do.

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