Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I need to start this by saying that I am not trying to preach my religion to anyone and feel that any belief can be taken in this context. This is merely a revelation that really helped me through a few rough days in the past 2 weeks.

Last week in body shop (the confirmation group for the kids at Olivet in which I am the leader of the 6th grade girls) we discussed God the provider. We talked about no matter what, everything in our lives is provided for by God and that it is Him who we need to thank everyday for everything we have.

In our small groups, we talked about how with it being the season of giving and receiving it is important to remember that God always provides what we need (not always what we want). We also discussed how to pray and how a long laundry list of things we are asking for is not how we should pray. We should always thank him first for what he has already provided and then take our concerns to him.

This lesson hit me a bit hard. I have always been one of those people that pray thanks first, for others second then save myself for last, but lately I have been more worried about how I am going to take care of things instead of relying on him. Not only tangible things such as money, but relationships that seem to be falling apart as well. It seems that I forget to tell myself in the midst of thinking how wrong the other person is that Im fighting with that God is the provider and he will take care of this relationship.

Money is always an issue, my mom is on a disability retirement and we are just surviving. We worry about money all the time and are constantly bickering because we are worried. Sunday, I remembered that God does not fail and he will take care of this and suddenly I went from constantly panicking about it to focusing on how to work it out because I knew one way or another God will provide.

So please remember in the following weeks that whatever you are worried about, whether it be relationships, money, presents or anything. Take it to God, it comes aloooot easier.

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